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The Five Year Engagement.2012.Unrated.DVDRip.XviD.AbSurdiTy
Video > Movies
703.5 MB

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The Five Year Engagement.2012.

Aug 11, 2012


One year after meeting, Tom proposes to his girlfriend, Violet, but unexpected events keep tripping them up as they look to walk down the aisle together.


Thanks Hackulus...
Ratings: 6.7/10 from 6,619 users Metascore: 62/100
Thanks Hackulus, you have made mine and my girls night many times over. Thanks again for your time and effort that goes in to putting these FREE movies up. Haven't' watched it yet, but everything else put up by you has been 10 across the board.
thank you
what's the genre of the movie ? please answer me fast so that i can dwnld n seed
ankit.. do you know how to use google.. easier still, an Imdb link has already been posted! Ya knobhead.
30 seeds connected, 1 guy seeds...
I looking for seeders for this torrrent:

Your help would be really appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
thank u. seed plz!
hoho hihi haha
nope. boring, didn't even manage to watch it to the end
anyone know when this will be in 720p? thanks
A 8
V 8

Thank you.

I thought this was a great movie. Tons of humor, I had been looking for this ever since its release in april lol
I disagree with this moving being to long...

A/V = 9

M = 10

Roommate and I got ripped and laughed 3/4 the way through it. I originally thought this had the guy from 40year old virgin, but upon closer inspection and imdb, noticed that its the guy from "Jeff who lives in the basement" or something like that.

Anyways, liked it would recommend.
A/V = 9

M = 10

Roommate and I laughed 3/4 the way through it :-P
A/ 8

V/ 8
Emily Blunt is hot. The seen where her and her sister are doing the cookie monster and Elmo voices is pretty hilarious.
M/not stoned = 7
M/stoned......= 10
The movie is good but IMO a little Long, anyway Thanks Hackulus
A 8/10
V 8/10
M too long
all of jason segal movies seem like they are made for stoners. think ill pass.
Longest movie of my life but not too bad of worth the dl..
great quality.

OK movie, its watchable but... not worth it tbh
wendelj at 2012-08-13 16:12 CET:
"...The seen where her and her sister are doing the cookie monster and Elmo voices is pretty hilarious"

Its "scene" first of all. Not "seen".

Second of all, your straight eating day old doughnuts on the daily.

That "scene" was the worst part of the whole movie, and the roommate and I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be "funny" or not.
Why are these low quality dvd downloads the most popular? it's 2012 people,theres this thing called 1080p blue ray,sure it takes a little longer to download,but it's well worth it if your a real movie lover with a high definition tv and surround sound system.
becasue most people like me don't give a fuck about difference between blueray rips and dvd rips, i would rather download it quicker anyway. (i have max download speed of 2.3Mb /sec and have unlimited) and even on my 40 inch tv these 700 mb files play fine and i have surrond sound but can't be bothered using it as i have to go to the lounge room then and i would rather watch it in my bedroom.
I'll grab HD versions if it's something I'm gonna love or if I know it'll be well shot and worth being in HD.

But the 720/1080 rips do just take up more space on HDD's and chew through more bandwidth, which sucks if you're in Australia and limited to 20/50/100GB per month.
Anybody notice that some scenes were slightly out of sync?
@klp1 - It's "you're" not "your", dummy.
realy fucking funny movie. its worth to watch.
Thanks for the upload Hackulus , unfortunately still no subs.
@klip1 at 2012-08-14 03:43 CET:
wendelj at 2012-08-13 16:12 CET:
"...The seen where her and her sister are doing the cookie monster and Elmo voices is pretty hilarious"

Its "scene" first of all. Not "seen".

Second of all, your straight eating day old doughnuts on the daily.

That "scene" was the worst part of the whole movie, and the roommate and I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be "funny" or not.

Lol at how upset you got
Wow, this is quality is pretty awful, if it looks this bad on my standard def lcd monitor I can imagine how much worse it'll be on my 1080p TV.

DVDs may not be as HQ as a BluRay, but they've come a long way and the Quality of this rip is sub-standard, it's pixilated and blurry.

Watchable sure, better than a TS? Sure, but not by much imo. If your desperate, download this copy, it'll get you through, if you want an actual HQ DVD quality, wait like me for another rip. And yes there are plenty of much HQ rips out there in this range of memory.

A: 7/10
V: 6/10
M: 8

[Rating for DVD, not Cam or BluRay]
SHIT Film. Good Quality.
Thanks for the upload Hackulus, ignore the haters. I'm trying to find a movie: Berkely (2005) Any chance you could upload it? (or anyone else reading this) Keep up the great work.
Still no english subtitles for this movie?
thanks Hackulus ("
Such a nice movie :) its sooo cute.. and the movie is very watchable 100% :) :) thanks uploader
What's with the grammar police lol are you seriously correcting spelling on a torrent comment section?

Get a life, damn.
@dWdHELLcat read your post dumbass. It makes no sense. If people wanted to use up 1.5 Gb of storage they would. Nobody needs you to tell us if we are "real movie lovers".
Thanks, watched half hour of it and it was pretty bad. Apparently the second half is worth ugh
Special thanks to the dirty Shylock Jews who made this film......and The Amazing Pirate Bay that finally allows us to get back at the DIRTY KIKES!!!........BURN HOLLWOOD!!
i can confidently say that i wasted my bandwidth downloading this shit! anyways, thanx to the uploader for wasting all of our time.
maybe he enjoyed it.
This movie took 5 years to watch. Some of it was funny. The main girl sucked. It's not realistic at all. Who would dump the hot young sex starved blonde for that old chic? I haven't washed my balls in 5 years.
Audio/Video= 10/10
Movie (In My Opinion): -10 (It owes life back to all its viewers)

This movie is great if your life sucks, and you're suicidal, but don't have the balls to do it :|
This isn't funny, Jason's like 56 years old now no way he'd pull this chick in the movie. This ain't even a chick flick. My girl went Cap N Crunch and asked, "Was I Cereal?" FML Jason FML
quit epossibly the worst movies Ive ever seen in my life - If id paid to see this I would of killed myself
A: 9.5
V: 6
M: 8
A: 9
V: 6
M: 6.5
STFU Fucking bunch of morons who rate the movies like if they were Hollywood "critics" and can't even thank the person for taking their time to upload content so idiots like them can keep getting free movies,music etc. just comment to let others weather if its a legit upload,clean,and quality.

This movie is aweful. I mean the opening 15minutes completely sets the mood for this movie. Its terrible, not funny, bad acting, story is terrible. Honestly dont waste your time, i mean if there was somewhat of a few scenes that might make it worthwhile i would say watch it. Thanks for the great quality Up, bigups..
TY man.
Well I was going to dwnld the movie but everyone seems to not like it....thanks for helping me not waste my time!
Are you really blaming the uploader for how bad the movie is?

Wauw Pirate Bay should ban your ip's so you never again can use the site.

Thanks for the Upload. AV 10 M 2
Really. Bunch o' farking ungrateful 14 year olds. Thanks uploader.
i've been waiting for this movie for a long time, thanks hackulus!:)
can you please get....What To Expect When You're Expecting! thanks
Thanks for getting me laid.
thanks for hackulus..
a: 9
m: 8
Only five?
Nice quality

a/v: 8/9

But the movie itself, I felt was horrible! Stopped it about 30 minutes into it, and never regretted it!
Ironically, fourteen out of twenty "professional" movie critics liked the movie on Rotten Tomatoes, yet the "critics" here would disagree. Does this mean that "real" critics know a good movie while TPB critics don't or vice versa? No, it just goes to say that the opinions of other people aren't necessarily a reliable source of information that you should use as a basis for decision making. It's understandable if you're going to be making an expensive purchase and don't want to risk the loss of money on a product that sucks, but in this case, you're downloading a movie for free. Life isn't like the movie "In Time" where your time is money and very limited. I'd rather die tomorrow and have formed my own opinion about this movie than be a sheep for the rest of my life and follow the words of other people who are possibly the exact opposite of myself. Only you know whether or not you're going to like something.

I agree with all you've said, except really life IS sorta like "In Time" because we trade our time and lives to shitty jobs in order to buy food and pay for rent and such. They just made it a literal trade of time and life so we can really see just how much the establishment is screwing us. (Also the depression isn't quite that bad yet, but hey it's getting there!)
Okay and as usual, all you nutjobs have crazy comments because this movie is good. I laugh-out-louded several times, and I hate the idea of marriage and children. What kind of shit movies DO you asshats like?
@Kingda74 If you think Jason's "like 56" you must be like 11. Like STFU!
could be better but its ok. a 8 v 7
Nice upload :) liked it.
V: 8
A: 8
M: 6,5

It was ok, quite predictable but still a bit different from other romantic comedies.
klip1 at 2012-08-14 03:43 CET:
wendelj at 2012-08-13 16:12 CET:
"...The seen where her and her sister are doing the cookie monster and Elmo voices is pretty hilarious"

Its "scene" first of all. Not "seen".

Second of all, your straight eating day old doughnuts on the daily.

That "scene" was the worst part of the whole movie, and the roommate and I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be "funny" or not.

Don't be a grammar Nazi if you don't understand the difference between "your" and you're", just saying.
Thanks very much, funny as movie, good audio and video.
could u upload angel blade 2002
Good Rip, Clear sound and good picture.
Video: 7-8
Audio: 8-9
Movie: 9
Thanks a lot,Hackulus!